Pastors Dale and Kathy Berry received training under Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin. In 1981 they moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to begin school at Rhema Bible College. Dale graduated from Rhema in 1987. Meanwhile, Kathy received hands-on training by attending Dr. Hagin’s meetings all around the country for several years. Dale and Kathy are a unique combination of practical Word and Holy Ghost ministry in the body of Christ. Another major part of their ministry is raising up leaders and planting churches. Revival of Urgency television is an outreach ministry to share the gospel with the world. Also, Revival of Urgency Institute is the training center located here in Knoxville, Tennessee at the home base. Their two daughters, Amy and Annie as well as their husbands and two grandsons, Tyler and Phoenix complete the family. After 35 years of ministry and 48 years of marriage, Dale and Kathy Berry are still raising up others to fulfill God’s plan for their lives at the River Church Knoxville.